Autobiography college level
Thursday, September 3, 2020
The Aztec Calendar Stone - Not a Calendar After All
The Aztec Calendar Stone - Not a Calendar After All The Aztec Calendar Stone, better referred to in the archeological writing as the Aztec Sun Stone (Piedra del Sol in Spanish), is a colossal basalt circle secured with hieroglyphic carvings of schedule signs and different pictures alluding to the Aztec creation legend. The stone, as of now in plain view at the National Museum of Anthropology (INAH) in Mexico City, measures about 3.6 meters (11.8 feet) in width, is about 1.2 m (3.9 ft) thick and gauges in excess of 21,000 kilograms (58,000 pounds or 24 tons). Aztec Sun Stone Origins and Religious Meaning The alleged Aztec Calendar Stone was not a schedule, yet no doubt a stylized holder or special stepped area connected to the Aztec sun god, Tonatiuh, and celebrations devoted to him. At its inside is what is normally deciphered as the picture of the god Tonatiuh, inside the sign Ollin, which implies development and speaks to the remainder of the Aztec cosmological times, the Fifth Sun. Tonatiuhs hands are delineated as hooks holding a human heart, and his tongue is spoken to by a rock or obsidian blade, which demonstrates that a penance was required so the sun would proceed with its development in the sky. At Tonatiuhs sides are four boxes with the images of the former periods, or suns, alongside the four directional signs. Tonatiuhs picture is encircled by a wide band or ring containing calendrical and cosmological images. This band contains the indications of the 20 days of the Aztec hallowed schedule, called Tonalpohualli, which, joined with 13 numbers, made up the sacrosanct 260-day year. A second external ring has a lot of boxes each containing five dabs, speaking to the five-day Aztec week, just as triangular signs likely speaking to sun beams. At long last, the sides of the plate are cut with two fire snakes which transport the sun god in his every day entry through the sky. Aztec Sun Stone Political Meaning The Aztec sun stone was committed to Motecuhzoma II and was likely cut during his rule, 1502-1520. A sign speaking to the date 13 Acatl, 13 Reed, is obvious on the outside of the stone. This date relates to the year 1479 AD, which, as indicated by prehistorian Emily Umberger is a commemoration date of a politically essential occasion: the introduction of the sun and the resurrection of Huitzilopochtli as the sun. The political message for the individuals who saw the stone was clear: this was a significant year of resurrection for the Aztec domain, and the rulers option to administer comes legitimately from the Sun God and is inserted with the consecrated intensity of time, directionality, and penance. Archeologists Elizabeth Hill Boone and Rachel Collins (2013) concentrated on the two groups which outline a success scene more than 11 adversary powers of the Aztecs. These groups incorporate sequential and rehashing themes that show up somewhere else in Aztec workmanship (swore on bones, heart skull, packs of fuel, and so on.) which speak to death, penance, and contributions. They recommend that the themes speak to petroglyphic petitions or admonishments publicizing the achievement of the Aztec armed forces, recitations of which may have been a piece of the functions which occurred nearby the Sun Stone. Elective Interpretations Despite the fact that the most pervasive understanding of the picture on the Sun Stone is that of Totoniah, others have been proposed. During the 1970s, a couple of archeologists recommended that the face was not Totoniahs yet rather that of the energize earth Tlateuchtli, or maybe the essence of the night sun Yohualteuctli. Neither of these recommendations has been acknowledged by most of Aztec researchers. American epigrapher and excavator David Stuart, who regularly has practical experience in Maya symbolic representations, has recommended that it likely could be a revered picture of the Mexica ruler Motecuhzoma II. A symbolic representation at the highest point of the stone names Motecuhzoma II, deciphered by most researchers as a dedicatory engraving to the ruler who appointed the ancient rarity. Stuart takes note of that there are other Aztec portrayals of administering lords in the appearance of divine beings, and he proposes that the focal face is a combined picture of both Motecuhzoma and his benefactor god Huitzilopochtli. History of the Aztec Sun Stone Researchers construe that the basalt was quarried some place in the southern bowl of Mexico, at any rate 18-22 kilometers (10-12 miles) south of Tenochtitlan. After its cutting, the stone probably been situated in the stately area of Tenochtitln, laid on a level plane and likely close to where custom human penances occurred. Researchers propose that it might have been utilized as a falcon vessel, an archive for human hearts (quauhxicalli), or as a base for the last penance of a gladiatorial soldier (temalacatl). After theâ conquest, the Spanish moved the stone two or three hundred meters south of the area, in a position confronting upward and close to the Templo Mayor and the Viceregal Palace. At some point between 1551-1572, the strict authorities in Mexico City chose the picture was a terrible effect on their residents, and the stone was covered looking down, covered up inside the hallowed region of Mexico-Tenochtitlan. Rediscovery The Sun Stone was rediscovered in December 1790, by laborers who led leveling and repaving deal with Mexico Citys primary square. The stone was pulled to a vertical position, where it was first inspected by archeologists. It remained there for a half year presented to the climate, until June of 1792, when it was moved into the church. In 1885, the plate was moved to the early Museo Nacional, where it was held in the solid gallerythat venture was said to have required 15 days and 600 pesos. In 1964 it was moved to the new Museo Nacional de Anthropologia in Chapultepec Park, that venture just taking 60 minutes, 15 minutes. Today it is shown on the ground floor of the National Museum of Anthropology, in Mexico City, inside the Aztec/Mexica display room. Altered and refreshed by K. Kris Hirst. Sources: Berdan FF. 2014. Aztec Archeology and Ethnohistory. New York: Cambridge University Press. Boone EH, and Collins R. 2013. The Petroglyphic Prayers on the . Antiquated Mesoamerica 24(02):225-241.un Stone of Motecuhzoma IlhuicaminaS Smith ME. 2013. The Aztecs. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Stuart D. 2016. The Face of the Calendar Stone: A New Interpretation. Maya Decipherment: June 13, 2016. Umberger E. 2007. Craftsmanship History and the Aztec Empire: Dealing With the Evidence of Sculptures. Revista Espaã ±ola de Antropologã a American 37:165-202 Van Tuerenhout DR. 2005. The Aztecs. New Perspectives. Santa Clause Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Inc.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ethical Standards Within the Healthcare Industry Essay Example for Free
Moral Standards Within the Healthcare Industry Essay Unique  â â â This examination capacities as an investigation of the fundamental likenesses and contrasts between the moral gauges maintained by the social insurance segment and the non medicinal services area. The social insurance area incorporates emergency clinics, facilities, and private practices while the non-medicinal services segment incorporates business, innovative, modern and different parts. The paper examines guidelines and enactment of moral practices and finds that the degree to which morals and law cover is subject to such factors as the sort of mischief that should be possible to residents because of an activity. The paper additionally talks about the degree to which the organization of moral standards happens inside the divisions being referred to.  â â â It sets that the social insurance part keeps up an exclusive expectation in moral practice, particularly in the clinical, pharmaceutical and a couple of paramedical fields. It recognizes just as characterizes obviously the idea of morals and law and how they are administered in a couple of chosen foundations. Fastidious consideration has likewise been taken to test and light up the subtleties of the dubious divulgence law and to give knowledge into the solid moral inquiry that it addresses in the social insurance industry. Similarly, the issues concerning the assent and protection rules were additionally managed in an inside and out and complete way. Also, the paper clarifies the few manners by which data can be shielded from physical and electronic maltreatment. It likewise dives into the territories of shortcoming and danger looked in mechanical security.  â â â The morals of the medicinal services and the non social insurance divisions were likewise inspected through these viewpoint of mechanical security, and investigation was done of the strategies utilized by every area to make sure about data. At long last, the ramifications of this exploration sketched out toward the finish of this report and suggestions are then given for improving moral practice. The analyst proposes methods of improving the nature of moral standard in the significant wellbeing part just as different branches like the paramedical. Moreover, the ongoing advancements in electronic appraisal and the dispersal of business data are appeared to make a requirement for both guideline and enactment. There is a shown requirement for improvement of all moral administering and managing data with the goal that such may be made accessible to each and every individual who wants to learn and keep moral norms. Part 1 Presentation Foundation  â â  Ethics is a way of thinking of life and turned into a piece of the business world. The multifaceted nature and basic needs of the social insurance industry are progressively inclined to clinical mistakes which could cost human lives. The nature of care is estimated by moral elements related with the clinical business. Be that as it may, morals go past nature of mind and remember numerous different regions for the human services industry. The job of social insurance organization in the association is to guarantee that clients are secured totally and that their protection are not abused.  â â â  The practice of morals is additionally one of the obligations and duties of the Health Care Administrator and thusly, the current paper intends to distinguish the position and practice of morals in the human services industry with other non medicinal services businesses. In doing as such, the paper plans to pick up bits of knowledge of moral acts of non-medicinal services businesses and attempts to suggest the prescribed procedures for the social insurance industry if holes are found. So as to assess the key issues of moral practices in the two segments, the paper considers the Information Security part of business Information.  â â  Thus, the paper intends to look at the moral practices for the most part amassing in the essential zones of data Privacy and Security from human services and the E-trade areas. Each dependable action in any composed part of human undertaking requires some type of guideline. Regardless of whether it is composed or unwritten, lawfully reported or ethically archived, the examination additionally attempts to watch the moral practices against the business explicit moral principles and lawful approaches.  â â â Ethics can be characterized as realizing of what is correct or off-base and afterward making the best choice. For the most part, morals are focused on the workers of associations whose administration experienced issues. LAW AND ETHICS  â â â The Legal Information Institute (1999) characterizes â€Å"law†as a lot of decides that are viewed as all inclusive and that show both inside and outer consistency. They are broadcasted and are normally acknowledged by the general public in which they are distributed. They ought to likewise be authorized. Such laws are guidelines that oversee how people in a given society are relied upon to act toward others, who make up the general public, and gauges the people who live inside that condition are required (and not simply expected) to hold fast to. The administration is answerable for ordering such laws, and is engaged to utilize security powers to guarantee these laws are authorized. Sue Anstead (1999) has distinguished five after measures that must exist for laws to be considered all things considered: consistency, comprehensiveness, distribution, acknowledgment, and requirement. In the first place, Consistency alludes to the possibility that conflicting necessities can't be viewed as law, as it would be outlandish for individuals to comply with both. Second, all inclusiveness shows that the necessities ought to apply to all who share comparable circumstances inside a given society. Third, distribution advances that the prerequisites ought to be accessible to all by means of some technique for composed distribution. Fourth, acknowledgment implies that the prerequisites must be commonly viewed as fitting. At the point when acknowledgment of the law happens, it will be about all around complied. At last, the authorization standard mirrors that the individuals from the given gathering must be compelled to follow the guideline and rebuffed should they decide to rebel.  â â â â Anstead (1999) has likewise noticed that the Greek word ethos is that from which the English word â€Å"ethics†is inferred. The Greek word is one that implies character, and what might be compared to same words adds the possibility of custom to the significance of the term. The blend of these thoughts mirrors the decision that individuals inside a general public make with respect to their method of communication. The philosophical rendering of the word â€Å"ethics†gives the definition as that which is acceptable or healthy for the individual just as his social condition and it likewise portrays the obligations that ought to be performed starting with one individual then onto the next.  â â â â Ethics has numerous philosophical characteristics that one may depict as â€Å"common†to all types of the term. It is worried about the trepidation of things considered acceptableâ€or the recognizing of right from wrong. Besides, morals are structured urge the people to pick the directly over an inappropriate. Choices that are viewed as moral are commonly gone to by outcomes that reach out over a perceivable period. There are additionally commonly a few alternatives with respect to conduct, so an individual must settle on a decision to be moral in his/her conduct.     However, morals are not viewed as equivalent to ethical quality. The distinction that lies between them is sensitive yet imperative to learnâ and comprehend. Judgment is at the core of profound quality, as it has to do with certain â€Å"standards of conduct by which people are judged, and [†¦] which individuals as a rule are decided in their associations with others (Anstead, 1999).†Ethics, be that as it may, contrasts from this as it surrounds the whole conviction framework whereupon a specific rendition of ethical quality rests. The qualities associated with morals and those standards one finds related to the law are commonly identified with one another. In any case, moral obligations are frequently more noteworthy than lawful ones. Be that as it may, the inverse is likewise obvious on occasion. In actuality, it may be said that â€Å"although law most occasions exemplifies moral standards, law and morals are a long way from co-broad (Ibid).† One finds that no laws exist against specific activities that might be considered even by numerous individuals as unscrupulous. Then again, the law prohibits a few demonstrations that are not viewed as dishonest however may simply be perilous. Instances of these proliferate, yet just to name a couple: making bogus cases about a specific circumstance or double-crossing the trust of a companion is, by and large, not thought about illicit. Be that as it may, such a demonstration is generally viewed as unscrupulous. Likewise, speeding is illegal, however many woul d concur that the vast majority don't discover such an activity exploitative (AMA, 1994; Anstead, 1999).  â â â McNamara (1999) has portrayed a situation in which the connection among law and morals is delineated. When setting up a lot of rules or rules that help in the location, goals, and the warding off or demoralization of penetrates to moral codes, an association is frequently made sure about against inclusion in further lawful issues. As indicated by Anstead (1999), â€Å"Federal condemning rules went in 1991, for instance, grant judges to lessen fines and prison time for officials proportionate to the moral estimates an organization has taken (Ibid).†This settles on it a shrewd choice for any organization to set aside some effort to build up a code of morals. On the off chance that an association creates positive strategies for managing circumstances concerning morals, this will offer them the chance to expand relieved disciplines, if legitimate infringement do happen.  â â â Guidelines or codes that administer the lead of people, and which are of the sort that is generally settled upon as great activities, ought to be given to the general population in composed structure inside a record. Such a documen
Friday, August 21, 2020
12 Freelance Writing Experts Reveal Their Best Way to Land Gigs
Is it accurate to say that you are new to independent composition and have no smelling piece of information how to catch a customer? All things considered, 12 top independent journalists are going to reveal to you their main path for landing customers. You may be astounded by some of them, however every one of them have endeavored to build up their author stage and believability as a specialist in their field. Be that as it may, before we jump into perusing how these independent essayists get composing gigs, I thought Id separate how I land customers. My Number One Way of Landing Clients I experienced of all my present and past customers and discovered my main method of making sure about composing gigs is through referrals. I landed 7 customers carefully from referrals. Two customers have various sites and they asked me to likewise compose on those sites. One other alluded me to a relative with a blogging gig. Two other independent essayists (expresses gratitude toward Keri and Gina) alluded me. I was under the impression my essential method of landing gigs was through my author site and posts, yet as a general rule referrals is the unmistakable champ. Referrals is really probably the most ideal approaches to land customers since, You dont need to pitch You definitely know the customer Youve situated yourself as the essayist to go to according to the customer In this way, lets discover how my rundown of master authors discover composing work. 1. Ariel Rule †Blogger, Copywriter, Hubspot Certified Inbound Marketer Warm pitching is my main method of making sure about a composing gig. I will in general keep away from the normal blog work sheets; everybody goes there to land positions. Rather, when perusing a blog in one of my composing specialties I scan the webpage for a zone that says something like Jobs, Work with Us, Contribute or that kind of thing. On the off chance that they would in reality like to recruit scholars or I believe that I can carry a bonus to the table as an essayist, at that point I know Im brilliant. From that point I tail them via web-based networking media to monitor whats going on with their organization, connect with them on those channels, and afterward search for an opportunity to send a warm pitch email. 2. Alicia Rades †Freelance Blogger My most ideal approach to land customers is through inbound advertising. Let’s be straightforward. I don’t like promoting myself in the customary sense. More often than not, it feels like an exercise in futility. Be that as it may, tweaking my site for SEO, composing visitor posts, and systems administration with different scholars doesn’t feel like a problem to me, so I’d much preferably go that path over contact customers through occupation board advertisements or cold pitching. Things being what they are, I don't get my meaning by inbound promoting? A significant number of my customers have discovered me through a Google search. Another progressing customer discovered me through a referral, and a later one saw the work I was doing on another site and was intrigued enough to reach me. The extraordinary thing about this is there’s not a mess of work on my partâ€at least not work I don’t appreciate doing. Furthermore, nearly everybody who gets in touch with me is searching for on-going work, so I don’t need to continually search for one-off occupations. Also, it spares a huge amount of time in light of the fact that the individuals who get in touch with me have a genuine enthusiasm for working with ME, and I’m not investing energy going after situations on work loads up or reaching individuals who might possibly require an author. The main issue is that this strategy doesn’t work right away. On the off chance that you’re simply beginning, it’s going to set aside some effort to develop your site around explicit catchphrases, compose visitor posts, make associations, and so on. In any case, it unquestionably can work once you’ve built up yourself in the field, which doesn’t need to take in excess of a few months. Tail me @aliciarades. 3. Gina Horkey †Professional Writer and Business Consultant Ive had a ton of progress fabricating my independent composing business utilizing work sheets. As of now, Im bought in (and adoring!) The Client Connection, via Carrie Smith of Careful Cents. You need to apply to this stage, which is all the more a help than an occupation board and the expense is $120 per quarter. There is as of now a top of 20 individuals and in Carries own words: I endeavor to keep a decent equalization of 2-3 consultants going after a similar position, so you have around a half possibility, or higher, of handling the gig! The administration is quite overwhelming on independent composition and altering, with a decent measure of leads for VAs. Im dealing with expanding the measure of online networking, plan, and other independent specialty leads. The administration might be moderate developing however I intend to make it SUPER significant. Carrie thinks A LOT about the nature of the items and administrations she puts out and its apparent in the manner TCC works. I get in any event one email for each week with a couple of occupation postings from individuals that have by and by reached Carrie for composing administrations. Since her customer program is full, she gives them to individuals from TCC. Its an incredible individual association! Ive heard back from nearly everybody Ive sent an application to and contracted with a couple of customers throughout the most recent couple of months. Actually, I simply landed $1,000 venture a week ago! Strongly suggested. 4. KeriLynn Engel †Freelance Business Writer and Blogger My main method to secure independent composing positions is to let possibilities come to me. The entirety of my requests these days originate from either individuals who have seen my composition on different sites, or individuals who have looked for an author on Google discovered my site. I make a point to compose for online journals where planned customers will see my bylines, use watchword connects in my creator profiles, and I additionally target explicit inquiry catchphrases with my site. On the off chance that you need your site to be seen, it’s shrewd to get familiar with the essentials of site design improvement. You don’t need to get super-specialized; simply taking an hour or two to get familiar with the nuts and bolts is sufficient to get you far in a ton of specialties. 5. Corinne Kerston †Freelance Writer and Blogger The main way I look for some kind of employment is through referrals, from the two customers and associates. To get referrals from customers, I simply toss it out there that on the off chance that they like my work, I’d truly value a referral in the event that they know any individual who needs an essayist. I find that the individuals who advertise online will in general know other people who do too, and there’s a decent possibility they will know somebody who could utilize a decent essayist and some point in time. I have likewise gotten referrals from online partners. My recommendation is to simply system and make associations. Visit web journals, remark on posts, share their posts via web-based networking media. Construct a relationship, and they are bound to suggest you on the off chance that they realize somebody searching for an essayist with your claims to fame. Tail me @corinnekerston. 6. Ashley Gainer †Freelance Writer and Editor While part of my independent work has originated from sending pitches and LOIs (Letter of Introductions), most of it has originated from individuals I know. Having a strong system of individual specialists who recognize what I do, know about my abilities, and realize that I’m effectively searching for customers has been the best thing for my business. What's more, making myself known as an author in my own circles has done likewise. I’ve had gigs come to me from landowners, church women, companions from school, and even an extremely decent venture with a person who grew up down the road from my ex. Showcasing yourself is basic and should be done, yet a system that realizes you is priceless. Tail me @AGEditorial. 7. Carrie Smith †Freelance Writer and Freelance Expert The main way that I secure independent composing positions is through my system. I invest a ton of energy doing aloof showcasing (associating via web-based networking media, by means of email, and sharing connecting with remarks) so when Im prepared to take on more customers I can just ask the editors, new businesses, and entrepreneurs that I for one know, if theyre hoping to enlist anybody. I likewise connect with individual independent journalists since the greater part of consultants have a plenitude of work, and turn down offers that can be passed along to different authors (like me!). Tail me @carefulcents. 8. Whitney Sherwood †Freelance Blogger I utilize a couple of various methodologies (work sheets, neighborhood organizations), yet the Brians Scotts Freelance Writing Morning Coffee eNewsletter (from has consistently been my main method of landing gigs. Its an important asset for chasing down composing gigs, beside reaching neighborhood organizations. It’s conveyed to your inbox Monday through Friday and incorporates a week by week cutoff time pamphlet for paid composing challenges and magazines. A lion's share of these postings are not too bad to generously compensated. You do need to filter through dodgy postings to a great extent, however it makes work chasing simpler. The eNewsletter even incorporates remote and non-remote gigs.â Its a mainstream, trusted (built up in 1998), and curated rundown of postings from everywhere throughout the web. Up to this point, Ive had achievement increasing a couple of customers I reached. 9. Pinar Tarhan †Freelance Writer and Blogger I secure composing positions through an assortment of sources including referrals from other author companions, work advertisements and employment leads from gatherings like Be a Freelance Blogger. I likewise pitch to online distributions with article thoughts. Also, my top pick, now and then customers discover me through Linkedin. Be that as it may, my most ideal method of finding occupations is through Tom Ewer’s Paid to Blog Jobs, which I investigated for The Write Life. A few employments can be low-paying, yet the assortment is great, and you can locate some really better than average blogging customers in the event that you love specialties like language getting the hang of/instructing, way of life, travel, dating, etc. For some time I was an individual from Freelance Writer’s Den. While the gatherings and items are unimaginably useful and enlightening, I couldn’t secure any positions to apply to in the couple of months that I was a part as I avoid businesses I don’t find intriguing and copywriting. I needed to stop during a wrist injury as I couldn't utilize the discussion by any means. I may be strange, yet I truly like pitching, regardless of whether its a one-time visitor post or a staff blogging work. ðÿ™‚ Follow me @zoeyclark. 10. Lauren Tharp †F
Free Essays on Consequences Of Divorce
â€Å"Consequences of Divorce†Late decades have been a time of fast family change in which conjugal partition is subsequently raised, just like the development in the quantity of stepfamilies, single parent families, and nonmarital births. Wallenstein, depicts separate as something that has gotten moderately regular in today’s society. A few partitions are called for, while others are basically a break from a bothersome situation. Shockingly, today’s grown-ups don't feel committed to stay seeing someone. Most relationships in today’s society end in a merciless separation that influences the guardians as well as the youngsters too. Kids, more that grown-ups, are confronted with choices that transform themselves inside twenty four hours. They are compelled to forfeit their lighthearted play of adolescence at an early age, alongside the solace of a caring home to suit their parents’ nonattendance and surrender; subsequently home has become a desolate spot rather than a position of adorati on and happiness. Youngsters who are comparative with isolated families, experience existence with a feeling of dread concerning trust. They think that its problematical to acquire confiding involved with their folks just as individuals whom they consider to be their better half. As a general public, we have given trust the meaning of an individual’s desires and convictions about the unwavering quality of others. Since guardians are normally the first and most significant guardians in a child’s life, the parent-kid relationship shapes the early reason for a child’s creating feeling of trust. In view of the expanding paces of separation, youngsters now days are getting less nurturance and consideration from their folks. â€Å"The division of the guardians may adversely affect the parent-youngster relationship influencing the amount, quality, or timing of a parent-kid interaction†(King). This can particularly remain constant at the hour of the division when guardians may have adj... Free Essays on Consequences Of Divorce Free Essays on Consequences Of Divorce â€Å"Consequences of Divorce†Ongoing decades have been a time of quick family change in which conjugal detachment is therefore raised, just like the development in the quantity of stepfamilies, single parent families, and nonmarital births. Wallenstein, depicts separate as something that has gotten generally basic in today’s society. A few partitions are called for, while others are basically a break from a bothersome situation. Lamentably, today’s grown-ups don't feel committed to stay seeing someone. Most relationships in today’s society end in a ruthless separation that influences the guardians as well as the youngsters too. Kids, more that grown-ups, are confronted with choices that transform themselves inside twenty four hours. They are compelled to forfeit their lighthearted play of youth at an early age, alongside the solace of a caring home to oblige their parents’ nonappearance and deserting; therefore home has become a forlorn spot rather than a position of adoration and sat isfaction. Youngsters who are comparative with isolated families, experience existence with a feeling of dread concerning trust. They think that its problematical to acquire confiding involved with their folks just as individuals whom they consider to be their better half. As a general public, we have given trust the meaning of an individual’s desires and convictions about the unwavering quality of others. Since guardians are typically the first and most significant guardians in a child’s life, the parent-youngster relationship shapes the early reason for a child’s creating feeling of trust. Due to the expanding paces of separation, youngsters now days are getting less nurturance and consideration from their folks. â€Å"The detachment of the guardians may contrarily affect the parent-youngster relationship influencing the amount, quality, or timing of a parent-kid interaction†(King). This can particularly remain constant at the hour of the partition when guardians may have adj...
Monday, July 13, 2020
7 Tips for Women With ADHD
7 Tips for Women With ADHD June 24, 2019 ADHD Overview Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Living With In Children Bonninstudio/Stocksy United Many women feel a huge sense of relief when they find out they have ADHD. They feel happy that it is just ADHD because prior to being diagnosed they were blaming themselves for their struggles. Many women with undiagnosed ADHD feel inadequate and stupid. Having ADHD isn’t a reflection of your intelligence. In fact, lots of people with ADHD are extremely bright and have above average intelligence. However, many women presume that the reason why they can’t seem to master the day-to-day tasks that other people appear to do effortlessly is that they aren’t smart. You might experience: Psychological distressFeeling overwhelmed and exhaustedA sense of inadequacyLow self-esteemChronic stressFeeling out of control Yet, when you realize that you have ADHD, feelings of inadequacy can fade away, which puts you in a better position to treat and manage your ADHD symptoms. Why Didn’t I Know I Had ADHD in School? In general, girls with ADHD are less hyperactive and more inattentive, which is one of the reasons why they are less diagnosed than boys. It is much easier for the teacher to notice a hyperactive boy than a daydreaming girl. There are other reasons, too. An intelligent girl with ADHD can successfully hide her ADHD while she is in school. School provides structure and deadlines, both of which are very helpful when you have ADHD. Classes are small enough for her to develop relationships with her teachers, which give her extra motivation to study and hand in assignments on time. Girls are more concerned than boys about what people think about them. They will do whatever they can to fit the expectations of teachers and fellow students. This can lead to perfectionism and anxiety; however, if grades are good, then usually no red flags are raised. After graduating from high school, problems can start to appear. When the structure of the school is no longer in place and the academic standard is higher, the ADHD symptoms can start to cause problems The same is true in the workplace, where you are required to manage your own time and not have as much external accountability. Women and Hyperactivity Yes, women can be diagnosed with hyperactivity-impulsivity ADHD, although less frequently than women with inattentive ADHD. Having hyperactivity poses its own challenges. For example, it is hard for a hyperactive female to conform to what is generally agreed to be acceptable behavior for girls and women. If you have hyperactive-impulsive ADHD or a combined type you might be thought of as a Tomboy because your behavior seems so different from what the social norms are for girls. You might find you have more physical energy than your peers and be accused of talking constantly. Because you seemed different you might have memories of feeling rejected, judged and excluded by your peers. This rejection can continue into adulthood too. Women and the Home Women with ADHD have an additional source of shame and guilt that men with ADHD don’t usually face and that is managing the home. Traditionally women were in charge of the home, taking care of the housework, laundry, grocery shopping, meal planning, cooking, child care, and often the budgeting and bill paying, too. Unfortunately for people with ADHD, those things are very hard. They are mundane tasks with no external deadline. It doesn’t matter how supportive your partner is, that we live in the 21st century or that you have a job outside the home, most women feel they should be good at these things. It can be an area of constant struggle and can take a toll on your self-esteem. Tips to Live by When You Have ADHD Get Diagnosed: If you think you have ADHD but haven’t officially diagnosed yet, make this your priority! Getting diagnosed has a very positive effect on how you feel about yourself. One study found that women were able to forgive themselves for mistakes in the past and felt more in control of their current lives once they were diagnosed with ADHD. Knowing they weren’t crazy and that there was a name for what they were going through provided a huge sense of relief.Coexisting Conditions: ADHD rarely travels alone, which means you might have one or more other conditions in addition to your ADHD. Try not to feel alarmed. Knowing which conditions you have allows you to treat each one directly, which in turn means you can be your healthiest. The most common co-existing condition that women with ADHD experience are depression, anxiety, alcoholism, eating disorders, and chronic sleep deprivation. Sometimes it can be hard to know which condition is which because they can mask each other, so work closely with your doctor to identify which ones you have.Let Go of the Domestic Guilt: Don’t feel guilt or shame that your house isn’t as tidy as your neighbors. There are more important things in life to worry about. Learn some ADHD-friendly ways to organize and clean your house, but don’t let it nibble away at your confidence. Plus, it is fine to hire a cleaner or let your spouse do the things you aren’t good at, while you focus on something that is easy for you to do.Driving: Women with inattentive ADHD are at greater risk of accidents while driving because of their inattentiveness. Here are some safe driving strategies. Consider driving a car with a manual gearbox rather than automatic because it forces you to be more engaged in the moment with and less likely to zone out. Before you start to drive, switch your phone off so that you aren’t distracted by incoming calls or texts. Don’t talk on the phoneâ€"even with a headset. Never drink and drive or take recre ational drugs as these can further reduce your attention.Perfectionism: Let go of the need to be perfect. Striving for perfection can help you feel in control, but you might find yourself spending too much time on small things that don’t have a big impact on your life to the detriment of more important tasks. For example, you might spend hours finding the perfect sized font for a report for work, while neglecting to start a presentation that is due tomorrow. Since you have such high standards for yourself, the internal pressure to be perfect can also stop you from starting a task because it feels overwhelming.Speed: Many women say that it takes them longer to do things that other people. For example, regular tasks at work, perhaps replying to email, filing forms or time sheets or housework. If this is true for you, then what you might not realize is that there are some things that you can do with record-breaking speed. It might be problem-solving or creating a marketing plan. Star ting today, begin noticing what you seem to be able to go faster than other people. It isn’t a competition, but it will help you to realize that while some things do take you longer, you have other talents that you might not be in the habit of recognizing. When you can take a balanced look at your strengths and weaknesses, it will help your confidence and self-esteem.Hyperactivity: If you have hyperactivity, find an exercise or sport and take time every day for it, in the morning if at all possible. It will help you feel focused and calm. You might find you have more male friends than women friends, and that is OK! While some friends might say you wear them out with your energy, it also helps you look and feel at least 15 years younger. You can also use it in many positive ways. I know one hyperactive woman who is on almost every charity committee in her community. Everyone wants her to be involved because of her tireless energy. The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Stanza by Stanza Explication of The Road Not Taken - Literature Essay Samples
â€Å"The Road Not Taken†by Robert Frost is one of the most anthologized, widely-read, beloved, and analyzed poems in the American canon. A short poem consisting of four stanzas of five lines each composed of simple direct language constructed overwhelming from words of two syllables or less, the poem clearly has not achieved its high status as a result of experimentation with elements of the form like rhyme scheme, meter or even the use of unusually figurative imagery. In fact, â€Å"The Road Not Taken†sets itself apart from most other poems held in equitable academic esteem precisely because a reader need not be a graduate college studentâ€â€or even a high school graduateâ€â€in order to understand any of the individual words or arrive at a arguable interpretation of meaning. The simplicity of â€Å"The Road Not Taken†is what allows the ultimately ambiguous ending to transform the poem into one with such a universally recognized meaning that it is equally suitable for hanging on a kitchen wall of a farm in Iowa and for being analyzed by English majors throughout the libraries of the world’s most esteemed colleges. Frost endows each stanza with its own individual consideration of the titular concept of choices one makes in life and how every choice one makes also allows for the potential of at least one alternative choice that was not make. The first stanza is not just about coming to a fork in the road of life, it is also quite specifically about how the choices we make must so often be made with the undergrowth of the unknown blocking our access to fully seeing the future consequences. The second stanza offers a hint of the ambiguity to come at the poem’s close and always seems to be the one which has led so many readers to misinterpret the poem under its misapprehended title â€Å"The Road Less Traveled.†Frost purposely aims to convince the reader that the speaker is full of the spirit of Yankee individualism and non-conformity by appearing ready to make the quick decision to go down the road less traveled. By stanza’s end, however, not only does he appear to have retracted from that rebellious impulse, but now seems even to be wavering over which of trail actually is the one less traveled The third stanza would seem to confirm that the common interpretation of the poem as if it actually were about â€Å"The Road Less Traveled†is very simplistic, indeed. Within a span of moments Frost offers us an eternity of possibilities that have little if anything to do with the vaunted reading of the poem as a tour de force of non-conformist thought. What may initially seem to be a decision entirely grounded in rebellious nose-thumbing at joining the crowd quickly becomes an abject lesson in rationalization: he can always come back and try out that other path later on, which is more characteristic of someone hedging their bets than the mark of a rugged individualist. But then, just when such a dismissal of the speaker’s commitment seems entirely grounded, such rationalization for choosing one path over the other is jettisoned on the rapid realization and even swifter acceptance that such an opportunity to try taking paths down two divergent roads is so rare as to be non-existent. The final five lines reflect directly back upon the imagery of the first stanza in which the undergrowth acts as metaphor for the obstructed vision of the future that lies within every choice we made. The poem concludes with the speaker comfortably situated within that cloudy future, not exactly sure the road he chose takes him, but emotionally aware that the choice he made will have been consequential enough to describe it to others in the future. What has been a poetic description of an unusually vacillating form of rebellious non-conformity marches inexorably toward its concluding ambiguity on the wings of a sigh. The sigh with which this first-person exploration of choice, anxiety, doubt, rebellion, regret and acceptance is told to others at some point in the future is one of the clearest examples of how the simplicity of poem’s language is deceptive. This feature also becomes one of the strongest elements in making the poems ambiguous meaning both ripe for unsophisticated misunderstanding and fodder for millions of pages of scrutiny. The initial reaction to hearing a story that commences or concludes with a sigh is that it will be tinged with regret. When positioned in reference to the consistently conflicted nature of the speaker as well as the overriding thematic quality of ambiguity of meaning, such a facile response to the imagery of the speaker sighing as he recounts the story of the road he chose to take over the road he chose not to take seems entirely in appropriate. The final assertion that having chosen to take the road less traveled has made all the difference in the world is a powerhouse example not just of poetic ambiguity, but also how there is no guarantee that rebellion leads to feast or famine any more than there is a guarantee of feast or famine by choosing to follow the crowd and reject attempts at carving out the right path through seeking individuality. Indeed, it can be effectively argued that the definitive reason for why such an unnervingly open-ended meaning could lend a poem such universal adulation is that no path one chooses can truly be defined as either right or wrong, since there is absolutely no way of knowing whether it is the destination that has resulted in a path being well traveled or not.
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